Home Insurance

You probably have your business and cars all insured. But you probably didn’t think about getting home insurance – until something goes awry.

All homeowners need home insurance, particularly home and contents insurance. It covers the cost of replacing belongings or repairing your house. The trick to getting the best home and contents insurance is to make sure you get the right cover, so you avoid being underinsured.

What about landlords insurance? If you are renting out your property, you need more than just home and contents insurance. You can expand your cover and get landlords insurance. This comprehensive guide will educate you on everything you need to know about the topic, such as what this insurance is and what it covers.

We encourage you to read our blog before you head to buying home insurance.

2002, 2021

Running a Business From Home as an Owner or Renter – Facts You Must Know

February 20th, 2021

There is a growing trend toward operating businesses from home. In a December 2020 report, Business.gov shares that there are nearly one-million Australians running businesses from their homes. Whether you are in WA, NSW or Victoria, your laws & rules will change. [...]

211, 2020

Landlords Insurance: What Are Pitfalls for Your Rental Property?

November 2nd, 2020

What You Must Know About Landlord Insurance? The fact that Australians are fond of investment property is well known and documented. Approximately two-million Aussies own property apart from their own dwelling and land. However, there is a vast gap between [...]

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