Personal Accident and Illness Insurance

injured person getting help

Get Affordable Personal Accident Insurance Cover from Grace Insurance Today

Accidents and illnesses can happen to anyone and usually at unexpected times. Unfortunately, the path to restoring health and function is often strewn with unforeseen costs, from visits to the doctor and medical expenses to rehabilitation. Aside from that, you lose wages and even decrease productivity. You need financial assistance if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury.

At Grace Insurance, we offer Personal Accident and Illness cover, which can be tailored to meet your specific needs. The primary purpose is to help protect you from financial losses arising from illness or accidents that may have resulted in temporary or permanent disability or even death. Because such misfortune often leads to the inability to work for several days, weeks, or months, you need protection with a range of assistance and payments should the unthinkable arise.

What Do a Personal Accident and Illness Policies Cover?

Personal Accident and Illness cover from Grace Insurance can help you get back to work after a serious illness or injury. Having this insurance covers your loss of income whether the injury or illness was due to your work:

Types of Accident and Illness Insurance

We have a variety of Personal Accident and Illness policies to cover different risks and circumstances for our customers, including:

  • Income Protection Insurance:  Receive regular payments to replace a portion of your lost income. This is particularly helpful if you cannot get back to work immediately due to an illness or accident. Payments continue until you return to work or you reach the end of the benefit period. Contact us to learn which benefit period best applies to your situation.
  • Trauma Insurance: If qualified, you can get a lump sum payment in case you are diagnosed with a specific critical illness. This applies to stroke, heart attack, or other traumatic events.
  • Total and Permanent Disability: This insurance cover is suitable for those who are unable to work due to being permanently disabled after an accident or illness. Often, a lump sum payment is disbursed to help you through this unfortunate circumstance.
  • Accidental Death Insurance: Listed beneficiaries will receive a lump sum payment if you die as a result of an accident.

Remember, you do not need to undergo any health or medical evaluations in order for you to obtain Personal Accident and Illness insurance from Grace Insurance.

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Why Do Personal Accidents and Illness Need Insurance?

It is important to have Personal Accident and Illness insurance, especially if you are a contractor or a sole trader and you are not covered by Workers Compensation. Time, as they say, is crucial, and this adage is particularly essential when it comes to time spent away from work. Whether it’s a few days, weeks, months, or longer, it can have a direct and undesirable impact on your income and financial health.

With our Personal Accident and Illness cover, you can have affordable and reliable income protection 24/7. This safety net allows you to continue to afford your requirements in order to look after yourself and your family as you focus on getting better.