Keep Your Equipment Covered
Running a business keeps you going from dawn to dusk and beyond. Often essential details slip through the cracks despite your best intentions. Your company’s insurance cover is an example of this. However, by working with Grace insurance, you can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing your plant hire and equipment insurance (as well as other types of business insurance) is in place to protect you and your assets.
Risks and Cover
There are a range of potential liabilities for your business to consider, one of those is commercial legal expenses that should arise from contractual liabilities, Tax Audit & Debt Recovery.
Typically, you will need to insure against property and liability risks:
The risks of your property being ruined or stolen, rendering you unable to run your business, are reasonably high. You need to be sure that the property essential to your livelihood are covered.
Additionally, speak with your insurance expert to make sure that the cover on your tools, machines and equipment will pay you replacement value, not the current value.
For example – Your forklift is five years old, but it runs well. If it is stolen and you only receive a payout for its depreciated current value, you are left to pay for the balance of the replacement.
As a business owner, you are exposed to a great many liability risks. Any loss incurred by a third party that your company caused is a liability risk.
it is in your best interest to check with a Grace Insurance professional to ensure that your coverage is correct and your Equipment Hire Agreement Contracts are compatible with your Insurance Protection Program.
Why You Need Plant Hire Insurance
Even though you do all you can to make sure all aspects of your business are safe and secure, you need to plan for the unexpected. That is why plant hire insurance is crucial for you.
Whether you operate a small business or have an international company, our experts can assist you in making sure everything is in order and covered.
Think about your machinery, in-house equipment, tools, and items you hire out. If you lost a piece, could your business operate? Can you afford to replace a significant amount of machinery if it were stolen or irreparably damaged? If you depend on your equipment for a living, you need this cover. It could be the difference between keeping your business or losing it.
Ask About These Key Benefits
Your Trusted Plant & Equipment Insurance Broker
For over 20 years, the professionals at Grace Insurance have been providing clients with the best insurance service and support possible. We treat our clients like they should be treated as people, not numbers.
Our experience combines with our expert training to build a team that is here for you. So, we offer knowledgeable assistants who will focus on helping you get the insurance cover you need at a price that you can afford.
We know that no two businesses have exactly the same needs. That is why we customise your policies. We want your insurance to cover the things that matter to you, and we do not push our clients into one-size-fits-most policies.