Mechanics Insurance

mechanic working on car

Mechanics Insurance Australia

Are you a mechanic, a motor vehicle detailer, or an auto electrician? Protect your business and yourself with the right Mechanics Insurance coverage. Whatever the size of your business and whether you have your own workshop or operate a mobile business, we can assist you with your specific insurance requirements.

At Grace Insurance, we understand that choosing the right cover can be complicated. However, with our experience in insurance and claims management, we have deep knowledge of the risks that often plague motor trade professionals. That’s why we are here to help you make the correct decision by providing only the most useful insurance solutions for you.

What Does a Mechanics Insurance Policies Cover?

Being in the motor trade industry may be your lifelong dream, but the reality is that you are exposed to risks:

Ensure you’re insured with suitable business insurance to protect yourself, your business, your reputation, and your investment against these risks.

Types of Mechanics Insurance

Being in the motor trade industry may be your lifelong dream, but the reality is that you are exposed to risks:

  • Public Liability to cover injuries due to accidental slips and falls in your workshop, as well as particular property damage
  • Tools and Equipment Insurance for breakdowns and damages that may not be within the scope of your current financial plan
  • Professional Indemnity if you provide advice to customers
  • Theft Protection to cover stolen equipment, vehicles, and tools, including items that may have been entrusted to you by your customer
  • Business Interruption for loss of income due to disasters that cause operations to halt
  • Driving Risk Extension for any damage you may have caused to another person’s property, specifically your clients’ vehicles

If the insurance you need is not listed above, please give us a call, so we provide further assistance.

Talking about insurance
mechanic talking to car owner

Why Do Mechanics Need Insurance?

No matter how well-prepared you may be, accidents can happen – usually when you least expect them. You work hard to build and maintain your business, but one simple mistake can result in its destruction. An injury in your workshop can immediately devastate not only your income but also your reputation. Protect your success with the right Mechanics Insurance.

With our help, you can be covered properly. Grace Insurance will assist you in looking for the correct cover against third-party claims for accidental injuries and expensive property damage. Protect your tools of the trade, deals and contracts, and financials in any event so you can operate with confidence and peace of mind.