Cyber Insurance News & Blogs

Millions of people rely on the power of digital technology. Whether you are an employee or a business owner, technology allows you to communicate with your co-workers and clients alike. You also use digital ways to store information. Unfortunately, even with all the advantages, you are continuously exposed to cyber risk, also known as cyber liability.

In the year 2020 and beyond, you need protection more than ever. Cyber risks can cost you a fortune. The global economy alone loses over $450 billion each year due to a range of incidents. These things can happen to you, too – from your website getting hacked to even getting sued for what you published in the online world.

We’re here to help. The Grace Insurance blog is committed to providing useful information about cyber insurance. For instance, if you work from home, you may not know that your personal details can become a target of cyberattacks. Perhaps you already are a victim of phishing attacks.

Read about cyber insurance and learn why you need it for your business and your own safety.

702, 2025

Emerging Risks in 2025: How Businesses Can Stay Protected

February 7th, 2025

The business world is changing rapidly, and 2025 is set to bring new challenges that businesses must face. Cyber threats, climate-related disruptions, and shifting regulations are just some of the emerging business risks reshaping operations. Ignoring these risks is no [...]

712, 2020

IT Liability: What You Need to Know to Keep Your Business Safe

December 7th, 2020

The depth and scope of the roles of information technology (IT) specialists have grown exponentially from the days when the office's 'IT guy' was a put-upon loner who magically showed up to reboot the system. Information technology is a crucial [...]

2803, 2020

Working From Home? Cyber Attacks Are on the Increase

March 28th, 2020

With businesses quickly moving to have staff work remotely, every device, email server and WiFi network accessed outside the business network is a new potential access point or vulnerability for hackers to exploit. Business leaders must establish strict policies and [...]

1003, 2020

What Coverage Elements Should Cyber Insurance Include?

March 10th, 2020

Cyber Liability Insurance broker in Perth Looking for a Cyber liability insurance broker? The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) reports that cybercrime costs the Australian economy up to $1 billion annually in direct costs alone. Cyber Insurance and Cyber [...]

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